
our robobrain eye is The eye of the robot


Hand-eye coordination is one of the most complex challenges in robotics. What humans learn naturally and instinctively in the first year of life is one of the biggest challenges in automation: seeing, recognizing, grasping objects. Using Artificial Intelligence and the industrialized 2D/3D camera robobrain.eye, robominds gives the robot intelligent perception. Human-like grasping thus becomes reality.

Industrialized: waterproof 2D/3D camera
Lightweight: only 400g own weight
Flexible: 2 mounting options: dynamically on the robot or statically above the station


Flexible gripping without teach-in

robobain.eye in combination with robobrain® and smart AI skills enables the robot arm to recognize and grasp any object - without teach-in. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and in-house developed vision algorithms, robobrain.eye can identify the position of objects independently of coordinates and autonomously calculate their optimal picking points.

robobrain® in a nutshell

Coordinate-independent recognition of parts and goods
Overlay of objects possible
Separation of chaotically stored bulk material
Modularly expandable through existing robobrain.skills or custom-developed applications
independent of robot and gripper manufacturers

Interested in robobrain.eye? Get started right away!

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